The Business Law Clinic's services are available to a wide range of business owners, entrepreneurs and non-profit organizations that operate within British Columbia. The clinic assists individuals who have questions about business legal issues. These services are provided year-round, except for the months of April, August and December.
If you require business law information or assistance, please leave a message with the Business Law Clinic. A BLC representative will reply to your message as soon as possible. If your particular issue or legal question suits the objectives of the program, the clinic will schedule an interview so you can discuss your situation with a UVic Law student.
Please bring to the interview any documents that you feel are relevant to the type of legal information or assistance you are seeking. The assigned student will then research your legal issues. He or she will then prepare a reporting letter that will include answers to your questions. The reporting letter will be reviewed by the Clinic Director and a local, practising lawyer-mentor, who volunteers his or her time. Clients generally receive the reporting letter within six weeks.